The End of Angry Reactions.

Angry Reactions final bow, the scoop on Miss Peaches, and more.

The Influencer Newsletter

Happy Tuesday! Thanks for reading along with us today, we’re so happy you’re here. This week, we’re giving you all the facts regarding Angry Reaction’s arrest and account purge. On a happier note, we’re spotlighting Dave Portnoy’s adorable new best friend Miss Peaches, and giving you the next step to bulletproofing your business. We’ll also cover the new bill in Florida that’s taking teens off social media, and finishing it off with some insight on Instagram insights. Let’s go.

Popular TikToker and streamer Oneya Johnson, better known as Angry Reactions was involved in an altercation on Feb. 12th, 2024 that led to his arrest and felony charges. Johnson is known for his funny videos reacting angrily but saying nice, positive things to stitched videos. He attended court on March 5th, where it was decided that he was not guilty and the case was dismissed. Since the situation occurred he has posted several videos addressing the matter and in his last video decided he would not post to Angry Reactions again.

Here’s the timeline:

Feb. 12th, 2024: A woman from a hotel in Burbank, California called to report an altercation that became physical. A woman and Johnson got into a verbal argument and allegedly she started to assault him and he used self-defense. When cops arrived they immediately arrested him. However, it’s important to note that the woman Johnson was disputing with did not want him to get arrested.

Feb. 20th, 2024: Johnson posted a video to TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube visibly upset with his followers for not believing or standing by him. He disclosed some details but said he could not speak much about the event due to it being a felony case.

March 5th, 2024: Oneya Johnson was declared not guilty and the case was dismissed. He posted again on all three accounts a black screen with four words “Not guilty, case dismissed.”

March 10th, 2024: Johnson posted a video to his second YouTube channel Angry Reacts Plug, and clipped it on his Instagram and TikTok. In the video, he said that although his name was cleared he will not be posting to Angry Reactions again. He explained that the joke of reacting angrily but being positive is no longer funny because his name was tarnished and would always have a bad connotation.

Oneya Johnson will continue streaming and feels like he’s meant to be an entertainer, but the account Angry Reactions is dead.

With Johnson’s desire to continue entertainment, what creative direction do you predict he’ll pivot to?

Peaches and Portnoy

Barstool owner Dave Portnoy adopted a 6-year-old rescue named Miss Peaches from LifeLine Animal Project and she’s blowing up. He creates content showing her day-to-day life; let’s just say it’s better than the average humans. She has a stroller for when she gets tired on their walks and bathes by the pool most of the day. Miss Peaches was one of 26 dogs rescued from neglect and breeding in Atlanta, Georgia, and her life has taken quite a 180. Even Portnoy’s biggest haters have said Miss Peaches has changed their point of view on him.

How much of an impact do you think Miss Peaches will have on turning around Portnoy’s image?

Florida’s Teenage Timeout

Florida legislature has cleared a revised bill limiting minors under the age of 16 from social media and mandating age verification. The legislation bans minors under 14 from social media and requires parental consent for 14 and 15-year-olds. Florida claims they’re aiming to target social media’s addictive features, and that this is the first step.

The bill will be brought to Gov. Ron DeSantis and if he agrees, it will go into effect on July 1st of this year. A similar bill was brought to him previously, but he had issues with it that have now been resolved.

Florida is the first state to successfully clear a bill of this kind, do you think other states will follow suit?

Bulletproofing Your Business: Part II

The FTC’s cracking down, here’s the third step to protecting yourself.

The third step is simple. Keep yourself up to date on all of the requirements for paid promotions.

Although the FTC doesn’t update or change the rules and regulations frequently, it’s still important to check in every few months. You are responsible for knowing all the rules, no matter if they change.

Do yourself and your accounts a favor by checking the FTC guidelines to give yourself a quick refresher on the rules.

Next week we’ll unveil the next level of the pyramid and get you one step closer to social media safety.

Are there any common misconceptions or misunderstandings about FTC guidelines for paid promotions that you think creators should be aware of?

Last week, we started our deep dive into the world of insights and how to use them to your advantage. This week, we’ll look at follower demographics and individual post analytics.

Utilize follower demographics to understand your target market and cater posts directly to them.

Click on the total followers button. You’ll see your account growth, top locations, age range, and genders reached here. Another important stat available to you is the most active times people are interacting with your account based on the day. This is crucial to know when to schedule posts.

Now click on the content tab. Instagram offers analytics on all your specific posts. These specifics include accounts reached, accounts that engaged with your post, and how many times it was saved or sent to someone else.

Take advantage of these insights to better understand your account and your audience. Happy analyzing!

What additions should Instagram insights need for them to be equivalent or better to 3rd party analytics platforms like Hootsuite?

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